Back In Balance ~ Massage & Wellness

Unwind~ & Get 'Back In Balance'!

Links & Resources

Links & Resources

I am very particular with who I 'put my name on', and below are some amazing professionals that I highly recommend!  Each are profoundly gifted at what they do, and each has a beautiful heartspace and welcoming presence who are truly doing what they were put on this earth to do! smile



Dr. Mike Evon/Yardley Pa

Dr Mike is simply amazing with a commanding knowledge of the human body with a kind and caring demeanor. He has helped fix my jaw, neck, back and all around well-being!




Spiritual Teachers

Richard Braconi PA/NJ


Yanni Maniates PA


Victoria Pendragon  (art and books)



Massage Therapists


Tricia Senigo at Nurture Day Spa in New Hope .An absolutely delightful experience! Tricia gives a beautiful massage from the heart, truly there to care for you. She also provides pedicures and the best facial I have had in my life! 





Valarie Haag/Rainbows of Healing (also Reiki Shares, Drum Circles, Classes on all sorts of Energy Healing...Crystals, Sound Therapy, Soul Journeying,  etc.




Marge Nocton-Barr   Rubenfeld Synergist (215) 230-7121

62 N Church St # 2, Doylestown, PA 18901



Recommended Reading

'We are the same people we were 5 years ago, except for the people we meet and the books we read (and experiences we have)'.

Along with my beloved Inspiring Quotes, books like these I truly believe saved my least the quality of it...Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a wise elder or mentor to pass along valued wisdom, we only know what we learn from those around us, and of course what we know intuitively. Having valued authors and teachers can take us from a life of impossibilities and challenges, to a life we can learn from and filled with stepping stones instead of stumbling blocks, joy that can emerge from our sorrow, how we can become aware when we are in our own way or letting others run our lives and how we can take over the reigns or completely start fresh and create something new in our lives. Whether it is a how-to book, 'self help' or an incredible autobiography of someone who has overcome more than we will ever imagine...learning from them can help guide us onto our true path... But as a wise teacher reminded me... also remember to tune into your own innate wisdom...





I have a huge Recommended Reading list! From health and wellness, flexibility, metaphysics and positive thinking and goal setting... but for limited space, I am including my absolute favorites to begin with~ These are books I refer to often when I am teaching, especially The Four Agreements... These are books and authors that have transformed my life, and encourage me to keep growing and overcoming various obstacles. I hope you enjoy them too!

(If you are interested in the complete list of books and/or inspiring videos/movies~ please email me and I will email you the copy that I have~)

The Four Agreements-Ruiz

Way of the Peaceful Warrior-Millman

You Can Heal Your Life-Hay

Man's Search For Meaning-Frankl

Diet For a New America-Robbins

Eight Weeks to Optimum Health-Weil

Self Healing Cookbook

The Power of Now-Tolle

Emotional Freedom-Orloff

Power vs. Force-Hawkins

Celestine Prophecy-Redfield

A Year To Live-Levine

Animals as Teachers and Healers-Chernak-McElroy

The Power of Positive Thinking-Peale

Journey Of Souls; Case Studies of Life Between Lives-Newton

The Aromatherapy Book-Rose

Bach Flower Body Maps-Kramer and Wild



Animals Make Us Human-Grandin

Calming Signals (for dogs)-Rugaas

What The Bleep Do We Know (video)

Messages in Water - Emoto (book and video)

Your Body Keeps the Score- Bessel Van Der Kolk (how trauma affects our bodies,  including chronic muscle tension)

Any books by Peter Levine (how trauma affects our bodies, including chronic muscle tension)


Anything by  SARK, Andrew Weil, Tony Robbins, John Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Pema Chodron,       Thich Nhat Hahn





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